2,121 research outputs found

    A study of interface support mechanisms for interactive information retrieval

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    Advances in search technology have meant that search systems can now offer assistance to users beyond simply retrieving a set of documents. For example, search systems are now capable of inferring user interests by observing their interaction, offering suggestions about what terms could be used in a query, or reorganizing search results to make exploration of retrieved material more effective. When providing new search functionality, system designers must decide how the new functionality should be offered to users. One major choice is between (a) offering automatic features that require little human input, but give little human control; or (b) interactive features which allow human control over how the feature is used, but often give little guidance over how the feature should be best used. This article presents a study in which we empirically investigate the issue of control by presenting an experiment in which participants were asked to interact with three experimental systems that vary the degree of control they had in creating queries, indicating which results are relevant in making search decisions. We use our findings to discuss why and how the control users want over search decisions can vary depending on the nature of the decisions and the impact of those decisions on the user's search

    A simulated study of implicit feedback models

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    In this paper we report on a study of implicit feedback models for unobtrusively tracking the information needs of searchers. Such models use relevance information gathered from searcher interaction and can be a potential substitute for explicit relevance feedback. We introduce a variety of implicit feedback models designed to enhance an Information Retrieval (IR) system's representation of searchers' information needs. To benchmark their performance we use a simulation-centric evaluation methodology that measures how well each model learns relevance and improves search effectiveness. The results show that a heuristic-based binary voting model and one based on Jeffrey's rule of conditioning [5] outperform the other models under investigation

    Query-biased web page summarisation: a task-oriented evaluation

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    We present a system that offers a new way of assessing web document relevance and new approach to the web-based evaluation of such a system. Provisionally named WebDocSum, the system is a query-biased web page summariser that aims to provide an alternative to the short, irrelevant abstracts typical of many web search result lists. Based on an initial evaluation the system appears to be more useful in helping users gauge document relevance than the traditional ranked titles/abstracts approach

    A granular approach to web search result presentation

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    In this paper we propose and evaluate interfaces for presenting the results of web searches. Sentences, taken from the top retrieved documents, are used as fine-grained representations of document content and, when combined in a ranked list, to provide a query-specific overview of the set of retrieved documents. Current search engine interfaces assume users examine such results document-by-document. In contrast our approach groups, ranks and presents the contents of the top ranked document set. We evaluate our hypotheses that the use of such an approach can lead to more effective web searching and to increased user satisfaction. Our evaluation, with real users and different types of information seeking scenario, showed, with statistical significance, that these hypotheses hold

    Comparing explicit and implicit feedback techniques for web retrieval : TREC-10 interactive track report

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    In this paper we examine the extent to which implicit feedback (where the system attempts to estimate what the user may be interested in) can act as a substitute for explicit feedback (where searchers explicitly mark documents relevant). Therefore, we attempt to side-step the problem of getting users to explicitly mark documents relevant by making predictions on relevance through analysing the user's interaction with the system. Specifically, we hypothesised that implicit and explicit feedback were interchangeable as sources of relevance information for relevance feedback. Through developing a system that utilised each type of feedback we were able to compare the two approaches in terms of search effectiveness

    Finding relevant documents using top ranking sentences: an evaluation of two alternative schemes

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    In this paper we present an evaluation of techniques that are designed to encourage web searchers to interact more with the results of a web search. Two specific techniques are examined: the presentation of sentences that highly match the searcher's query and the use of implicit evidence. Implicit evidence is evidence captured from the searcher's interaction with the retrieval results and is used to automatically update the display. Our evaluation concentrates on the effectiveness and subject perception of these techniques. The results show, with statistical significance, that the techniques are effective and efficient for information seeking

    Clustering the information space using top-ranking sentences : a study of user interaction

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    By considering sentences selected by a query-biased sentence extraction model from the top-retrieved documents, we create a personalised information space which is characterised by the presence of search terms. We cluster this information space, and enable searchers to interact with the resulting clusters. In order to examine whether users can recognise, and benefit from, the clustered organisation, we compare user interaction and performance between an actual clustering and a pseudo-clustering of the information space for completing information seeking tasks. The results provide evidence for the utility and meaningfulness of the clustered organisation

    Extension of forward modeling phase-screen code to for AVO analysis in isotropic and anisotropic media

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    The computationally efficient phase-screen forward modeling technique is extended to allow investigation of non-normal ray paths. The code is developed to accommodate all diffracted and converted phases up to critical angle, building on a geometrical construction method. The new approach relies upon pre-scanning the model space to assess the complexity of each screen. The propagating wavefields are then divided as a function of horizontal wavenumber, and each subset is transformed to the spatial domain separately, carrying with it angular information. This allows both accurate 3-D phase corrections and Zoeppritz reflection and transmission coefficients to be applied. The phase-screen code is further developed to handle simple anisotropic media. During phasescreen modeling, propagation is undertaken in the wavenumber domain where exact expressions for anisotropic phase velocities are available. Travel-times and amplitude effects from a range of anisotropic shales are computed and compared with previous literature

    Synchronous collaborative information retrieval: techniques and evaluation

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    Synchronous Collaborative Information Retrieval refers to systems that support multiple users searching together at the same time in order to satisfy a shared information need. To date most SCIR systems have focussed on providing various awareness tools in order to enable collaborating users to coordinate the search task. However, requiring users to both search and coordinate the group activity may prove too demanding. On the other hand without effective coordination policies the group search may not be effective. In this paper we propose and evaluate novel system-mediated techniques for coordinating a group search. These techniques allow for an effective division of labour across the group whereby each group member can explore a subset of the search space.We also propose and evaluate techniques to support automated sharing of knowledge across searchers in SCIR, through novel collaborative and complementary relevance feedback techniques. In order to evaluate these techniques, we propose a framework for SCIR evaluation based on simulations. To populate these simulations we extract data from TREC interactive search logs. This work represent the first simulations of SCIR to date and the first such use of this TREC data

    Dynamics of perpendicular recording heads

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    3D modeling and inductance measurements were used to design an ultra-high frequency perpendicular system. Kerr microscopy and spin-stand experiments with focused ion beam (FI-B) trimmed perpendicular heads and perpendicular media directly verified the high frequency concepts
